Online Personal Signature


Ever wanted to spice up your posts, emails, blogs and other digital content?

Here is an online personal signature generator. It helps you create your signature and personalize your writing and posts.


MyLiveSignature offers both FREE and paid services of creating personal signatures.

Here are mine created using MyLiveSignature

Get personal!

Where is the satellite


This one is a bit different. It let's you find out when objects like the International Space Station or the Hubble Space telescope will be visible from where you are.

Amuse yourself!

Free SMS

So you want to send free SMS. Well, this one is for you.

If your having GPRS connectivity for your mobile, U can send messages right from your mobile itself, for this u just type in your mobile browser window and there u need to enter your username and password. You can also send group SMS from your mobile itself.

Out of the 160 characters available for SMS, users can send Free SMS of upto 80 characters and advertisers can append a contextual ad in the remaining 80 characters.

160by2 is now available as a JAVA Application for your mobile. Just install it and enjoy FREE SMSing on the go.

It works even without a GPRS connection in which case you will only be charged for one SMS by your service provider irrespective of how many people you send it to simultaneously.

Build 3D web site for free

Imagine building a unique 3D web site within just a few minutes... and best of all it's absolutely free.

You can do so at Gogofrog

Gogofrog™ takes you into the ultimate 3d world... No downloads just the internet in 3d. Create your own unlimited online space, it's fast, easy and free. Do things you simply can't in 2d... See and chat with your site visitors, furnish your environment and change your whole space or yourself to suit your mood, store photos, read a book or share one, write a journal, interact, listen to music…

I really liked it.

Promote Yourself


Want to promote yourself across sites.

Here is a free service for web content publishers to track their productions across sites and media types, and score their performance.

What you can do here:

- Aggregate and track web content from Flickr, YouTube, MySpace, LastFM, and many other sites

- Share user profile info and most popular content with others

- Score user performance on buzz and popularity

- Detailed performance info by production (views, comments, ratings, tags) with historical info available

- Create and manage campaigns to track specific sets of content

Track your songs, videos and photos on the most popular social sites today!

Measure your popularity and the buzz you create!

Manage your campaigns and promote yourself!

Organize ideas


ManageMyIdeas is the place to record and organize ideas. Keep them private, share them with friends, or publish them for the world to see.

File encryption

Here is a free and unique online service allowing visitors to upload, and encrypt files to very high standards for the purposes of: sending files via unsecure mediums (e.g. email), protecting sensitive information (such as passwords and software source code), and any other reason you can think of.

You can use it to upload and encrypt files for the purposes of: sending files via unsecured mediums, protecting sensitive information, etc.

Why this one...

  • It's free - Many encryption services and applications come with a charge. is unique because it's free!
  • Strong Encryption - The files that this service produce are highly encrypted and it is very difficult, if not impossible, to decrypt them.
  • Password Input - The password you choose when you encrypt a file greatly affects the encrypted version. The file can then only be decrypted with the correct password.
Let me know your experience with this one.

social search engine


Here is a social search engine that relies on human participation to index, organize, and review the world wide web.

Personalized start page


Here is a personal news aggregator with RSS and Atom support.

Netvibes is a multi-lingual Ajax-based personalized start page much like Pageflakes, My Yahoo!, iGoogle, and Microsoft Live. It is organized into tabs, with each tab containing user-defined modules. Built-in Netvibes modules include an RSS/Atom feed reader, local weather forecasts, a calendar supporting iCal, bookmarks, notes, to-do lists, multiple searches, support for POP3, IMAP4 email as well as several webmail providers including Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Hotmail, and AOL Mail, web storage,, Meebo, Flickr photos, podcast support with a built in audio player, and several others.

A page can be personalized further through the use of one of many existing themes or users can create their own theme with a wallpaper of their choosing.

Computer work at home

Computer work at home
computer work at home


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